Nope, this isn't "Water for Elephants" or "Chocolat". I am however enjoying my tasty coffee beverage with some homemade mint chocolate creamer,
minus the OH SO yummy
hydrogenated oil to help reduce my high cholesterol, in honor of my new blog post. My coffee is much better than the book though.

"Like Water for Chocolate" is a story of love, mysticism, heartbreak, and food. Tita, a fifteen year old girl and the youngest of three sisters, falls in love with a neighbor boy named Pedro who comes to ask her Cruella Deville-like mother, Elena for Tita's hand in marriage. Elena denies this request on grounds that family tradition states the youngest daughter's role is primarily to take care of her mother until she dies. As a consolation Pedro marries Tita's sister Rosaura as a way of staying near to Tita. Their odd love for each other continued through Rosaura and Pedros' marriage, children, Tita's marriage to Dr. John Brown and Rosaura and Elena's death. By their forties Pedro and Tita finally get to be with each other.
"Turns out dad has been putting murdered cows in our hamburgers." |
The end to me was like the finale of "How I Met Your Mother". Throughout the story you are rooting for Pedro and Tita to run away and damn the rest of the family. At the end you like Dr Brown who helps to free Tita from her tyrannical mother and to live her own life. Passion overrides and her loins tell her to be with Pedro instead. Just like in "HIMYM" I don't think Robin and Ted were meant to be or it would have BEEN from the start. Sorry, I've been harboring that resentment since the "HIMYM" finale. Time to cast off the series into the wild blue yonder (is that the correct term YONDER?). "Bobs' Burgers" anyone?

I'll elaborate even more. Poor Tita forced into the life of servitude to her mother only to find a little respite cooking in the kitchen. Here is the location where Tita's passion finds its release from the frustrations and joys of life. As she creates meals for special occasions like Pedro and Rosaura's wedding the partakers of the meals have unusual reactions to the way the meal was made. During a passionate exchange in the kitchen between Pedro and Tita while preparing a meal, Tita's aunt Gertudis reaction after eating the meal had her burning with lust to the point she tore her clothes off and ran for a cold shower eventually running away with a Mexican general on a horse.

The Pedro and Tita exchanges were rife with deep emotions. She loves him and he loves her. What love can endure the fact that he was married,
doinking and having a child with Tita's sister. Unfortunately after her young niece died, blaming her mother, she escaped to Dr. Brown's home where he looked after her and helped her to recover from the traumatic experiences of living with her mother, the love of her life doing the nasty with her sister, and her niece's death. At the same time that they planned their wedding Rosaura dies. So now Pedro comes calling in his jealous tirade for her to choose him over the doctor now that both Rosaura and Elena are dead (oh yeah her mother died too).
Who to choose, the respectful doctor who was by your side during the hard times whom you love or the guy that was married to your sister and did I mention this included sex with her too but you feel great passionate "LOVE" towards. Oh yeah when Pedro called for her hand in marriage they really didn't know each other that well. Not like they were friends for years.
Not all good stories leave you feeling happy.
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