The other day my wife expressed humbly and with satisfaction her amazement with my continued commitment to reading and blogging. It's not an easy thing to lovingly admit to your husband that he doesn't have any follow through to finish these tasks. Not only am I not offended but I appreciate her honesty. So many times I get gung ho about something and realized once I got started how much time and effort it required. Not only that but expectations unfulfilled can halt all good progress. Plants and vegetables die (who knew they needed watering this much), planking(abdominal exercise) to get better core strength resulting in rectus abdominis spasms, jotting down how much it costs to make the meals we usually make to organize grocery budget more proficiently (sounded fun initially). If my first two excuses weren't good enough I just get bored and quit. I don't have that gene in me that will see it through to the end like my wife. She has this internal checklist and the idea that one item just doesn't get finished is preposterous. Does anybody else relate with either of us?? Knowing my past habits I give a great deal of credit for my dedication to my readings to these well written, interesting, and thought-provoking stories so far. I'll add to my pro side that when it comes to my family I am not a quitter. Perhaps I expect marriage and children to be hard work, but rewarding.

Yay!! A book with pictures. I was truly excited to read "Watchmen" which is a sort of superhero story and the only graphic novel on "The List". Growing up I wasn't much for reading. I preferred, as I have mentioned before, climbing trees, tetherball, kickball (basically anything with a ball), and video games. I hated sitting. Now I just sit with one or both legs tucked under my rump. Recently my wife and I have read many of the graphic novels of "The Walking Dead" inspired by watching the television show of the same name. Not bad. I proceeded to scour the comic book store for something more woman friendly for my wife. What I found was woman superheroes with huge bazangas beating up bad guys. Women who understand the large chest plight, if these women can fight crime without their boobs popping out we need to improve support for the simple desire of going for a run in comfort.

"Watchmen", with its miniscule amount of boobage is a story about a collection of mostly unsuperherolike characters containing no special powers, excluding Dr. Manhattan, who all don masks and outfits in an effort to conceal their true identity while they attempt the clean the city of criminal scum. Unfortunately with their nemesis' either in prison, dead or choosing a more legal path to evil schemes, became politicians, crime continued. Streets filled with gambling and prostitution houses, murder and violence witnessed by demoralized onlookers, the threat of nuclear war looming. How will the imperfect watchmen fight against this universal disease that has no face or body to pound into submission. If God didn't rid the world of sin by destroying Sodom and Gomorrah, is it truly possible to eliminate evil from the world? An evil that all are infected with.
At the same time the decommissioned watchmen mourn the violent death of one of its former members who was presumably thrown out of a window of a skyscraper. The remaining members are apprehensive feeling that someone is in the business of taking out the watchmen one at a time. Rorschach, Doctor Manhattan, Nite Owl, Ozymandias, and Silk Spectre band together one last time to uncover who killed one of their members, The Comedian, and if there is any truth to their suspicions.
If that isn't all the majority of the graphic novel delves into the lives of each remaining member of the watchmen. A far cry from "The Justice League". Moral heroes? I don't think so. One's a sex fiend, no that would be two, one lacks the ability to understand human emotion, and there's the one that was committed, and the smartest man on the earth who is in it for the fame and money. Each began by deciding to stop turning a blind eye to injustice and to do something to better the world only to become jaded due to the citizens they were protecting's protests.
For a comic graphic novel style book I was impressed with the original idea of unsuperherolike heroes as well as the art. The wording sometimes was of higher diction quality but the plot and
character development was well done. Worth reading.
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Nite Owl |
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Ozmandias |
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Comedian |
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Rorschach |
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Dr. Manhattan and Silk Spectre |
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