When I think about the experiences in my past the memories that immediately jump out are the one that have had a major impact on how I am today. I will never try to climb from one tree limb to another by hanging onto a thin white clothes line. Especially when there are roots sticking out of the ground like sharks waiting to almost break my back. Then there was the scare of '99, as I like to call it now, when I thought I was going to be a daddy with a woman I'd rather have not gotten pregnant. False alarm. Oddly enough that event scared the Jesus into me. The time my dad called me out asking me what my intentions are with my girlfriend, now my wife. I respond I don't know. We are just hanging out. He threatens to call her and tell her to move back to Oregon and not waste her time with me. I believe it was only a few months later I proposed. Best decision I was swayed into making. Thanks Dad.

Throughout the narrative Atticus treated everyone with steadfast respect while his children, showing less self control, retaliated. When his two kids complain about what others are saying he responds, "You just hold your head high and keep those fists down. No matter what anyone says to you, don’t let ‘em get your goat", "The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience", and "Are you proud of yourself tonight that you have insulted a total stranger whose circumstances you know nothing about?”.
Can I be honest here? My wife and I have discussed the topic of the woman's "Ugly, Messy, Monthly thing I refer to as "The DEAL". Like what's your deal!?? I will never understand what you ladies go through. It's biological. It's painful. When my wife is a little bit more chippy than usual with me knowing that "The DEAL" is occurring I can retaliate because I have the right to defend myself, but understanding that what she is going through isn't fun I choose to be respectful because I know I shouldn't respond harshly but lovingly. I then ask her, even though she has every right to be upset and angry with me or the kids to try to react likewise. Does this sound insensitive? In the case of Atticus Finch he tells his kids just this. You have all the right to respond with hate but what will that accomplish? To treat others in kind with love and respect do you think that will produce more positive results than with fists? Isn't this GRACE in action? I know I digressed a little here but I hope you follow my thought process.

The most profound feeling I got from reading this novel is how our everyday decisions no matter big or small can change the course of history. The trial may have ended on a bad note, the strong character of Atticus did rub off on a few people especially his kids. He knew it would be a miracle to get Tom Robison off on this crime but he had to do the right thing. Do you believe in the butterfly effect? That a flutter of it's wings can have a ripple effect that can impact the other side of the world. Something so minute. Sometimes I want my life to have some grand significance. Maybe I could talk to a friend about their alcoholic habits and my words, guidance or life would change his life. A woman talking about getting an abortion that I can tell her that this child is alive, give it up for adoption, or call her a murderer would be enough to help her see the light. Man I would be a saint if I could save a life. I would often think about those times in my life where I made a difference. But what about the time I just sat down to talk to a friend or co worker who seemed down on his luck. I just listened to him talk. Would that make it in my greatest hits? Maybe when I just opened the door for a woman entering a store. Who cares about that right? Sometimes the small things make the biggest difference. Why? Because we are being selfless. We are not looking for praise. To get a check mark for doing something good. God has to love me now. I saved a person.
I will just ask to whomever cares to think about our behavior at each moment if our butterfly effect will cause a ripple in time in a positive way or negative. Be nice to a customer even if they don't deserve it. The guy that cut you off while driving. Don't give them the finger. Maybe nobody sees you do it. Does that matter? Even our hidden sins don't go unnoticed. Not necessarily by God but we change even with the sins we never show others.
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