So here I am with my back to the television which is showing my Notre Dame Fighting Irish looking rather pathetic against the Oklahoma Sooners with a Killian's beer next to me and this gives me an excuse to start a blog that I have been talking about writing for six months. Welcome to the start of this journey in my attempt to read 1001 books as collected in the book "1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die" by Peter Boxall.
Scary!! |
Why did I choose to write about this? Why even attempt to read all these books? Will I become a better person after this? Will I be smarter? I don't know! What do people hope to attain when running a marathon or scarfing down a 72 ounce steak? Chances are their initial feeling is a desire to throw up but after that how do they feel?...This isn't a rhetorical question. I don't know. I've never even tried to do something that substantial. Running that much just sounds tiring and I've watched enough Man vs. Food to realize I am not gifted for that endeavor.
Where's the potatoes? |
I tried to eat a half pound burger at Cheeburger Cheeburger in Shreveport, Louisiana (which sadly is no longer there) and I failed. To get a picture on their pegboard wall I had to eat one whole pound. Yikes!! So all I have to do is read. This is my Mecca.
I like pizza!! |
Perhaps when it's all over I'll be tired, old, and feeling like I wasted my life to find out what Po found out when he opened the scroll in Kung Fu Panda. That all he desired in life was already there. Crazy old master Oogway. Anyway, we all have something we love to do that is a waste of time. This is how I will waste away my life. When I'm done I will get a t-shirt to flaunt my accomplishment. Baleedat!!
Oh yeah, so why write a blog?
1: to hold me accountable, keep me on track. People that don't know me- I have ADD so I get easily distracted. It's taken me a week to write this. I go to the kitchen, or to the bathroom, or I see my two daughters and next thing I know I'm totally distracted from what I was originally doing. One way to cure ADD is have kids. They certainly won't let you forget what you're supposed to be doing. How will I ever finish? Where was I? Oh yeah, we were talking about why I am blogging this adventure.
2: I also wonder if someone were to make this into a movie what ginger would they choose to play me? Conan O' Brien? Somebody less funny.
3: Last but not least I hope to scour this collection of weird titled books to find a story that's inspiring, entertaining, or informative. Maybe, just maybe I can get one of my readers to check out some of these books which they won't find on the best sellers list or made into movies. I hope this blog will be informative, entertaining, or inspirational as through this list together. Thank you. Enjoy.
Good Luck with your monumental endeavor. I look forward to reading about your reading.